Learn more about where we want to go in the upcoming years

Finishing touches pre-clinical testing

Finalizing our lead

In the upcoming months we will still work hard on the final aspects of our lead formulation and make preparations for the first clinical trials.


Added value by joining forces

Mercurna is open for collaboration on various terrains, including mRNA stabilization and oligo/polynucleotide-based API development.

Other indications

for our lead formulation

Given the similarities between the aetiologies of various chronic kidney diseases, we estimate that our lead formulation is applicable to more than 10 different diseases without any modification. After initial success for 1 or 2 indications, we aim to prove the value of our lead formulation in as many of these diseases, which together make up for about 85% of all CKD patients.

Clinical phase

The next 5 years

In the next 5 years, we aim to develop our lead formulation until the end of phase II for 2 indications, for which we are looking for investors and strategic partners.